Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My art goals

All along, art has always been a mean of communication for me. Art for art sake? Art for beauty? These are just side concerns.

I have reached a lot of the milestone for my own art journey, but I cannot stop improving yet. I still have a lot to learn.
: To bring a spacious feeling to my drawing. How do I make my small pieces of paper feel like a vast open space?
: In the least amount of strokes and lines possible, how do I bring out what I want to portrait?
: Light and dark. How do I depict light - its direction, its intensity, its color?
: To create emotions, make a manga ... my oldest goal.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Is there a point to happiness?

Somehow, the longer you are in love, the less happy you are.
Or, the amount of happiness is the same, but you just expect more.

Strange, love is supposed to make you happy.